Unique Ways to Learn Spanish Without Lessons

Spanish, Spanish, Spanish – many people want to learn, however, they don’t even know where to begin.

Whether you are planning on taking Spanish speaking lessons or not, you definitely want to learn how to teach your self how to speak Spanish.

You can do this by doing simple everyday activities such as, Watching television, listening to the radio, listening to a tape/cd, and even writing Spanish using simple children’s books.

Watching Television Or Listening to the Radio
Watching Spanish television or listening to the Latino radio is very achievable by anybody. You do not need cable in order to get the Spanish speaking stations, all you need is a simple antenna and some mild reception.

When you sit down and watch television on the radio, you get the opportunity to learn the speed and “accent” of the language. You will know when to emphasize certain syllables, recognize specific phrases, and learn trends on common spoken themes.

You may want to sit down with a Spanish dictionary so that you can catch some words every now and then. When you see that a word is coming up often, you will want to look up that word in your Spanish dictionary and find out the English translation.

You will eventually be able to put sentences together – also, if you combine this method with a Spanish lesson; you may see results faster than the ordinary student.

You can also listen to the radio while driving in the car. Not only can you use this opportunity to learn the language, but you can also learn about what’s going on in the Latino community.

Listening to a Music Tape or CD
To be honest? Music does not always translate well from Spanish to English, and vice versa. What music will teach you is specific words. Since the words are sung, there’s a great chance that you will be able to catch words and translate them.

When you are doing chores or a busy activity, you can put a Spanish music tape or cd on, while performing a certain task. You will subconsciouly grow accustom to hearing the language – and you may pick-up on the culture of many Spanish speaking citizens as well (depending on what country the tape or music CD originated from).

Writing Spanish using dictionaries and Children’s Books
Why is this a great option? Simply because children’s books are designed to be extremely simple. If you have children, you may be able to teach them the language as your learn it yourself!
They’ll be getting a head start, and you will be learning the language through simple words and translations.

Simply read the children’s book, and translate it using a Spanish to English translation dictionary.
When you become good, you will eventually not even need to use the Spanish to English translation.

It’s a great way to teach yourself how to speak Spanish without lessons, however, if you combine this with lessons, you may find yourself over the “beginner’s hump” that many aspiring Spanish speakers attempt to hurdle over.